Shares Application Process

You can apply for shares by the following methods

  • Complete the Application Form at the back of the Share Prospectus and send to Ashton Hayes Community Hub Ltd., c/o Ashton Hayes & Mouldsworth Post Office, Kelsall Road, Ashton Hayes, CH3 8BH.
  • Download a hard copy of the Application Form here, complete the form and send to Ashton Hayes Community Hub Ltd., c/o Ashton Hayes & Mouldsworth Post Office, Kelsall Road, Ashton Hayes, CH3 8BH.
  • Complete the Application online here and submit.
  • If you are on our mailing list, click the link provided in our email

Applications will be processed once payment has been received via cheque or BACS:

Cheques should be attached to your application form and made payable to: Ashton Hayes Community Hub Limited

BACS payments:
Account name (please enter exactly as shown to avoid potential issues): Ashton Hayes Community Hub Limited
Sort code: 09-02-22
Account number: 10687589
For the reference please enter your name so we can match it to your application form

Please note: By completing an Application Form an Applicant offers to subscribe, on the Terms and Conditions contained in this Offer Document, for the number of shares specified, or such lesser number as may be accepted.

  • Only one named applicant can be entered on one form. The applicant must be 18 years of age or over.
  • An Applicant who receives Shares agrees to be bound by the rules of Ashton Hayes Community Hub Limited. which can be found on our website.
  • Once an application has been submitted and approved it cannot be withdrawn.
  • Multiple subscriptions will be allowed providing that they do not result in a member holding more than the maximum number of shares (£25,000).
  • Applicants may be requested to provide additional evidence of identity in order to comply with Money Laundering requirements
  • Applications may be rejected in whole, or in part, or be scaled down, and monies shall be securely returned to the applicant, not later than two months after monies have been received, without interest.
  • Applications on incomplete or inaccurate Application Forms may be accepted as if complete and accurate.
  • Results of the Offer will be published on the Golden Lion Ashton Hayes website and all applicants will be informed.
  • We will acknowledge receipt of all payments. If the offer is unsuccessful monies will be refunded.
  • Payments by bank transfer will be held securely on deposit until the minimum target (£180,000) for the offer is achieved.
  • Cheques will be held in a secure location until banked.
  • The offer opens on 2nd May and closes on 2nd August or whenever the maximum amount is subscribed, whichever is soonest. The Ashton Hayes Community Hub Ltd Management Committee may choose to extend the period of the share offer for a short period if we believe that by doing so, we increase the chances of reaching the minimum or optimum target. The offer will close early if the maximum target is met.
  • Please note as of 5 April 2023, Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) is no longer available.