Data Protection Policy

The following information may be collected and stored

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Organisation (if applicable)
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (home or mobile as supplied)
  • Number and value of shares
  • Confirmation of age where required
  • Acceptance of the terms of the share offer and the rules of AHCHL
  • Consent to using email addresses as the primary means of communication for official documents from AHCHL
  • Consent to receive communications related to the purchase of The Golden Lion
  • Signature
  • Bank details and cheque number (for share purchases as an example)

How your data is collected

The data detailed above is collected from the Shares Application form completed by yourself, this can be online or via a hard copy form. If you ask to receive updates related to the purchase of The Golden Lion your name and email address will stored and maintained by Mailchimp whose privacy policy can be found here

What we do with the data you provide

  • Email addresses are used to acknowledge receipt of share applications and cheques, if applicable.
  • Anonymous summary statistics are produced to monitor total number of applicants, total number and value of shares purchased, average value per applicant, breakdown of groups of values and number of applicants within each village / town
  • The email addresses of applicants consenting to receive communications related to the purchase of The Golden Lion are added to the AHCHL emailing list which is stored and maintained by Mailchimp
  • The email addresses of applicants consenting to use their email address as the primary means of communication for official documents from AHCHL are added to the AHCHL emailing list which is stored and maintained by Mailchimp
  • If you have provided an email address you will receive email communications from and / or If you have not provided an email address we will contact you, if needed, via telephone or post where required.

How your data is stored

  • Electronic data is held in a password protected spreadsheet which is saved on a password protected desktop computer, a backup is saved to a remote drive which is kept secure when not in use
  • The desktop computer is not networked but is connected to the internet via a secure, password protected router
  • The desktop computer is secured with Windows Security as well as Malwarebytes which employs anti-malware, anti-ransomware, anti-exploit, anti-spyware, anti-rootkits, and malicious website protection. Real-time and scheduled scans detect, block and remove viruses, malware, ransomware and other threats. The computer is stored in securely locked premises at all times
  • Our email account is secured with a randomly generated password as well as 2-Step verification
  • If a data breach was to be detected the computer would be disconnected from the internet and deep scans would take place. Members of the AHCHL committee would be informed and a thorough investigation would take place. If it was felt that any personal data was compromised individuals, we hold personal data on, would be made aware as soon as practicable
  • Hardcopy application forms and cheques are stored in a locked safe

How you can control your personal data

  • You can request to see the information we hold on you and ask for your personal data to be deleted at any time by either emailing AHCHL at or by writing to the Committee at The Golden Lion, Kelsall Road, Ashton Hayes, CH3 8BH
  • Your personal data will be used purely for those activities referred to above and for communications related to those indicated by you on your application form. Your personal data will not, under any circumstances, be passed to any third party

For more information on General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) click here