December Update

The Asset of Community Value legislation provided us with a six month moratorium to allow us to identify funding and place an offer for the Golden Lion to the owner. During the process we were able complete a viewing of the property in order to gain an insight into any further deterioration of the premises and to assist us in gaining an accurate valuation of the property.

We were subsequently able to put a formal offer forwards via the agents to the owner within the moratorium period. Unfortunately the offer, which was a very fair one in our opinion based on current market and property condition, was refused by the owner. We then wrote to the owner via the estate agents to request a meeting with the owner or his representatives to discuss how we might proceed with an agreed sale and purchase. We are awaiting a response to this request.

Though the moratorium has concluded the Golden Lion will remain listed as an Asset of Community Value which provides considerable additional protection from any change of use proposals.

We are continuing to receive support and advice from Cheshire West and Chester Council and further meetings are planned for this month to discuss any appropriate next steps.

Can we as a committee thank you for all your continued support and encouragement for the project and we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

The GL committee are continuing their work to return The Golden Lion back to its former glory and we will continue to keep you updated with progress as it happens. The best way to follow progress is via our Facebook page but if you would like to receive email notifications let us know and we will add you to our list: