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Golden Lion Survey 2017

The Golden Lion Survey Results

From the public meeting and the subsequent whole village survey, 105 completed surveys were returned by 31st December 2017. This representing approximately 25% of the households in the Parish of Ashton Hayes & Horton-cum-Peel. Eight of the surveys returned were from outside of the parish. The surveys were completed on behalf of the 186 adults in the households.

The key survey questions are as below where the percentages represent the response in terms of the proportion of the adults represented in the surveys.

Community benefit Society
Very strong support was provided for the establishment of a Community Benefit Society. 85% of surveys returned Strongly Agreed/Agreed with this proposed legal management arrangement. Only 2% Disagreed/Strongly Disagreed.

Tenant to run pub and business
The general view from comments received and debate at the consultation meeting was that the village would prefer the pub to be run as a viable commercial pub rather than community owned. However if a commercial buyer did not materialise, and the pub had to be community owned, then from the survey, the very strong view was that it should then be run by a Tenant. 82% of surveys returned Strongly Agreed/Agreed that it should be operated by a Tenant rather than by the village directly on a day to day basis. Only 5% Strongly Disagreed/Disagreed.

Societies or Club Usage
There was from the survey good support for the community pub to be a base from which to operate local clubs and societies. 48% of surveys returned Agreed/Strongly Agreed that the pub should be a focus for local club and society activity. A further 39% were neutral on this matter and 15% of respondents Disagreed/Strongly Disagreed.

Likely to Buy Shares
There was very strong support from the surveys returned that they would be willing to invest in shares for the funding of a community pub/hub. 84% of surveys returned Agreed/Strongly Agreed with 4% Strongly Disagreed/Disagreed

Likely to Volunteer
Most services volunteered related to decorating, renovating the pub and gardening. There were also offers of assistance with the procurement of the pub. However apart from gardening there was only a couple of volunteers who expressed an interest in volunteering to work in the pub on an ongoing basis. 39% of respondents Agreed/Strongly Agreed, they would volunteer their services. However 37% of respondents were Neutral and 26% of people Disagreed/Strongly Disagreed. This was consistent with the views expressed at the meeting and the preference for a Tenant.

In the survey 61% of respondents said they would use the pub weekly with a further 31% indicating that they would visit monthly.

Additional Facilities
As would be expected the very High priority focus was on providing a good pub facility with associated pub food. These were 98% and 84% high priority respectively, of lesser but still High priority was the provision of:-
• A venue for Social Events; 71% High Priority
• Parking for the shop; 64% High Priority
• A Society Meeting Place venue; 63% High priority
At a medium level of other listed uses i.e. were:-
• Private hire residents; 43% High Priority
• PC meeting place; 41% High Priority
• Wi-Fi Café; 37% High Priority
At a relatively low level of importance were:-
• CWaC mobile services; 31% High Priority
• Car park for bus; 27% High Priority
• Private hire business; 27% High Priority
• B&B; 10% High Priority

Please click on the links below to view the statistics and graphs:

Graph of Facilities
Graphs of Question Responses