
50 posts

Clean-up June 2024

The first phase of the clean-up took place on Saturday 22nd June. Take a look at the before photographs here then scroll down to see the amazing job our volunteers did. What a transformation!


The Ashton Hayes Community Hub committee are pleased to announce that, at 4pm on Friday 14th June, we completed the purchase of The Golden Lion. A huge thank you to everyone involved and to all our shareholders. If you haven’t already purchased shares, please consider supporting the project now that we have overcome the initial hurdle of acquiring the pub and placing it in community ownership in perpetuity. Please support the project and share the good news wherever you can.     The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards […]


It has been a month since The Golden Lion Share Offer was launched and so far we have raised an amazing £160,250. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped the share offer get off to a great start, but we still have a long way to go. We have to reach our £250,000 initial target to be able to buy the building, make it watertight and begin the refurbishment work. In order to refurbish The Golden Lion to a good standard we need to reach our optimum target of £420,000. If you haven’t bought your shares yet please […]

Share Offer Progress Week 2

It has been just over two weeks since we launched The Golden Lion Share Offer. We are very pleased to let you know that we have raised £132,250; a huge thank you to everyone who has applied for shares so far. Although we are pleased with progress so far, we have a long way to go. We have to reach our £250,000 initial target to be able to buy the building, make it watertight and begin the refurbishment work. In order to refurbish The Golden Lion to a good standard we need to reach our maximum target of £420,000. So, […]

The Golden Lion Share Offer Launch Thank You

Thank you to everyone who attended The Golden Lion Share Offer launch last week, it was very well supported with over 150 people attending and standing room only for many. Response to the offer has been very encouraging so far, but we have a long way to go. If you haven’t yet bought your shares, you can download the Share Prospectus, Business Plan, Model Rules and Application Form, or complete an online application, on our website: You can also pick up paper copies in the shop. If you have any questions about the offer, please don’t hesitate to get […]