
53 posts

Progress Update 09 09 24

We have had another productive week with the removal of the large trees in the car park; Simon Webster has generously offered to remove the stumps next week. We also had a number of tradesmen on site to provide quotes for future works.

Next week the external painting will be completed which, we’re sure, will make a huge difference to the look of the pub. The lower roof will be stripped out and some internal structural repairs will begin.

We also had another successful clear-up session on Monday and, as you can see, it was very dirty work! A big thank you to everyone who pitched in!

While we continue to make great progress, there’s still plenty to do, and we need additional funds to complete the work. As stated previously, to help with this, the Share Offer has been extended to 20th December 2024. If you haven’t yet purchased shares or would like to increase your investment, now is a great time to do so.

All the details can be found on our website and hard copies of the Prospectus, Application Form, and Business Plan are also available at Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth Community Shop. If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email.