Yearly Archives: 2023

4 posts

Successful Funding Application

As part of the funding strategy for The Golden Lion project the Committee of the Community Benefit Society (CBS) submitted an application for grant funding to the UK Government’s Community Ownership Fund (CoF) and we are delighted to announce that the CBS has secured grants totalling £360,000 as a very significant contribution towards the purchase, restoration and fit out of the building and the initial overheads of the new business. This is a huge boost to the project’s finances and now makes the acquisition of the Golden Lion a truly viable proposition for the community.

While this tremendous news moves the project ever closer to our ambitious goal, we are still some ways from our total project funding which will be needed to cover substantial refurbishment and reopening costs. To raise these additional funds the next critical step will be to garner local community, business and individual support through a community share offer which is due to be launched soon. Residents and investors will be invited to invest in the community enterprise which will ensure this vital village asset reopens and remains as a functioning pub and hub for generations to come.

To read the full press release click here.

If you’d like to be kept informed of future developments and details about the share offer please email us at

Update Christmas 2023

The Golden Lion project continues to move forwards and negotiations continue with the owner who, as previously reported, has agreed to sell to the community, but this is subject to being able to agree on all terms of a contract.

The CBS Committee have appointed solicitors to act on our behalf and they are currently negotiating the sale details, carrying out any appropriate land searches etc. We hope to have further positive news in the New Year.

The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas.